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Fairfield Sports Association has established policies for the following accommodations used by the FSA;

  • Fairfield Athletic Club
  • Central Park/ Roberts’s Fields
  • Weaver Sports Complex
  • Or other designated areas used by the Fairfield Sports Association.


The use of tobacco and alcohol is prohibited at all youth and adult sporting events. This includes games and practices and extends to everyone in attendance. Please refrain from these activities and remind others to do the same.


No animals are allowed on the FSA sports accommodations listed above. Animals used to aid in medical impairment are excluded from this rule.

This policy was adopted in response to several incidents that occurred between dogs and children. We all love our pets, but please leave them at home.


Golf Carts are NOT permitted on the fields at any time.

Fairfield Baseball Fields:

If you are playing at the Fairfield Baseball fields, do not drive your golf cart down the side of the fence line to the back fields, do not drive them to the batting cages, do not come from the batting cages to the fields. They are to be parked on the tree line by Fairfield Green Blvd. This is a safety concern and if violated, you will be asked to leave the park.

Central Park:

If you have practices or games and Central Park, do not drive the golf carts to your field at any time for any sport. They are to be parked by the tree line by Heath Green Circle. This is a safety concern and if violated, you will be asked to leave the park.

Weaver Park:

If you have practices or games and Weaver Park, do not drive the golf carts to your field at any time for any sport. They are to be parked by tree line or by the gravel parking lot. This is a safety concern and if violated, you will be asked to leave the park.


Please place your regular trash in the designated trash bins/containers. Any large trash such as broken chairs, coolers, pop-up tents etc. should be taken home for disposal.


Please park in the designated areas, maps are posted online. We enjoy our activities in a residential area and would like to remain doing so. Parking of your vehicles should never block throughway for emergency vehicles and residents.

No vehicles are allowed on the field, the only vehicles on the field are vehicles for authorized maintenance crews.

Violation of the Grounds/Facility Rules

Any individual violating the grounds/facility rules may serve a mandatory minimum of 1 game suspension, which includes exclusion from the Fairfield Sports playing area. This means they are not allowed to remain on premises or in the parking area during the duration of the game. Severe violations will be reviewed by the FSA sports committee and result in multiple weeks of suspension, up to suspension for the season.